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Reply To: Power Generation Riddle No.3 – Variable speed generators


    Sorry i am unsure how to ask another question asociated with this one, so i am just going to “write an answer”, Firstly thank you so much for your help Hamid, it has really cleared up a few problems. thought i have a few more questions. Firstly regarding this “see Plate 3, in Chapter 2 for instance” are you refering to a text book and if so which one? My second question is, can the wind turbine which you described “Type D” be used for a hydro dam scheme? Also are you aware of any companies which manufacture variable speed generators (for hydro generation (a dam)) in the 40MW region/capacity? Lastly regading my last question in my initial question, can the generator used in a pumped storage scheme be used in a hydro generation scheme (meaing a lake/dam reservoir) Thanks alot for your time Regards Chris