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Reply To: معمای پست شماره 7 – مقره های زنجیری


    این مقادیر در واقع تحمل نامی مقره در برابر تنش کششی در جهت طراحی شده برای تحمل وزن یا نیروهای اعمالی به آن می باشد. در IEC 60383-1 چنین آمده است. 3.1 Mechanical failing load The maximum load reached when a string insulator unit or a rigid insulator is tested under the prescribed conditions of test. در آزمایش تحمل مکانیکی، مقره ها تحت تنش کششی واقع شده و تحمل آنها ارزیابی می شود. ابتدا مقره به سرعت تحت تنش کششی حدود 75 درصد تحمل نامی واقع شده و سپس تحمل آن برای افزایش کشش تا 100 درصد در مدت 15 تا 45 ثانیه مورد ارزیابی قرار می گیرد. 19 Mechanical failing load test (type and sample test) 19.1 Test procedure for pin and line post insulators The pin or line post insulator shall be mounted as specified in the relevant section (6, 7, 8 or 9), and a mechanical bending load shall be applied. The load shall be increased from zero, rapidly but smoothly, up to approximately 75 % of the specified mechanical failing load and shall then be gradually increased, at a rate of increase between 100 % and 35 % of the specified mechanical failing load per minute, until the latter is reached for pin insulators or until the failing load as defined in clause 3, is reached for line post insulators (the rates indicated correspond to reaching the specified mechanical failing load in a time between 15 s and 45 s). The failing load of line post insulators shall be recorded. 19.2 Test procedure for string insulator units The string insulator units shall be subjected individually to a tensile load applied between their metal parts. As regards their essential dimensions, the coupling pieces of the testing machine shall be in accordance with IEC 120 for insulators with ball and socket couplings and with IEC 471 for insulators with clevis and tongue couplings. For insulators for overhead traction lines or other special insulators to which this part is applied, special couplings may be necessary. Coupling pieces of the same strength (standard or reinforced) shall be used in the type and sample tests. The tensile load shall be increased from zero, rapidly but smoothly, up to approximately 75% of the specified mechanical failing load and shall then be gradually increased, at a rate of increase between 100 % and 35 % of the specified mechanical failing load per minute until the failing load as defined in clause 3, is reached and the value recorded (the rates indicated correspond to reaching the specified mechanical failing load in a time between 15 s and 45 s).